caravanparklavesima en 1-en-304622-your-safety-holidays 014 SELECT LANGUAGE: ENG

Your safety holidays!

Some informations and safety measures

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Open spaces and contact with nature, the right characteristics for a relaxing holiday. Even more at this particular moment the open air holiday is the ideal solution that combines security and serenity.

Camping differently than any other habitual living and living place allows you to enjoy large outdoor spaces. Here you will not find buildings such as hotel rooms, but individual homes, spaced from each other and organized spaces outdoors.

After a long lockdown that has seen us confined to our homes for months, we all feel a great desire and need for air, a beach holiday with your family is ideal.


The open-air accommodation facilities are characterized by being a "community", that is, a "small town" closed to daily patrons, safe, hosting only regularly registered people, who benefit from organized outdoor services within the structure.

Becoming part of such a "community" thus implies in the current health situation:

firstly, by the organization, to regulate "life" within the structure in order to guarantee all guests to enjoy the services and benefits that represent the peculiar characteristics of this type of holiday.

by guests to accept the established behavior recommendations and to be monitored at health level, before accessing the community and possibly during their stay, as an essential premise for being able to safely use all the common places and services.

For summer 2020 our priority is to make the structure safe and allow our guests to enjoy the services by trying to limit the inconvenience to a minimum (compatibly with the health emergency we are experiencing).

We hope to find you in agreement in adhering to our procedures, which are aimed at protecting the health of you and your families.


The arriving families will be welcomed, before checking in, in an ad hoc set up area, in front of the reception, where the health status will be checked by measuring the temperature.

The positive outcome of the check will give the right of access to the check-in operations.


Guests must pre-check in before arrival by sending all the information necessary for registration and a copy of the identity document (which will be shown on arrival and verified) using the methods indicated in the booking.

Only the group leader / head of the family will show up at the check-in counter, while the family will wait in the appropriate waiting area.

There will be lanes to access the counters with delimitation of interpersonal distances and delimited spaces where you can wait your turn neatly, without creating gatherings.

The check-in procedures will be aimed at avoiding gatherings and minimizing the time spent in the reception area.

At check in the identity of the guest will be verified and will be perfected by delivering to the guest specific documentation relating to the rules of anti-contagion behavior, evacuation plan, information relating to the structure and the area and the microchips that allow access to the structure. Everything will be delivered in a disposable / sanitized plastic bag.


The campsite's bathing establishment will remain closed (causaCOVID19) you can access the free beach through the public external access from the campsite, regulated by an app from the Municipality (SpiaggiaTi - RIO LUPARA beach).

It has dimensions and characteristics that allow it to implement all the necessary safety measures and allow guests to enjoy a pleasant and healthy day at the beach.


The bar and Corner Food services will be replaced by vending machines for drinks and food.

You can book for the morning (as indicated): bread, focaccia and brioche. In addition, a delivery service will be set up for lunch and dinner (in the manner indicated on arrival).


Since early diagnostic suspicion is one of the cornerstones of the correct management of SARS-CoV-2 disease, we would like to remind you that an increase in temperature above 37.5 °, especially if associated with cough and / or respiratory fatigue deserves to be verified.

Even an unusual feeling of tiredness, a decrease or loss of taste and / or smell are symptoms to be taken into consideration. In a lesser percentage of cases, the disease can manifest itself with conjunctivitis or diarrhea. Although these conditions are attributable to other often trivial diseases, it is good not to neglect their diagnostic significance. In full respect of your privacy, if you experience the listed symptoms, we invite you to contact the Management, we will guarantee our presence and our help.

We wish you a pleasant and well-deserved vacation!

We are at your disposal to give you all the assistance you need.

What customer
says about us?

"Pleasantly relaxing"


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caravanparklavesima en 1-en-304622-your-safety-holidays 022
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