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Walking route through Genoa city center, from Palazzo San Giorgio to Via Garibaldi within Darsena

Walking route through Genoa city center, from Palazzo San Giorgio to Via Garibaldi within Darsena

The route starts at Palazzo San Giorgio next to the sea and the Porto Antico.
The Palazzo, which is now the premises of the Port Authority, was originally the headquarters of the Casa di San Giorgio, a syndicate set up to finance the Republic.
The figure of St George slaying the dragon stands out in the centre.
Head from the medieval palazzo to Sottoripa, the old porticoed street wih picturesque shops of all kinds including eateries selling fried food and focaccia.
It is not from here to the start of Via San Lorenzo, which links the Porto Antico area to Piazza de Ferrari, the main square of the city.
Halfway up the street lies the majestic cathedral.
Inside is the treasure of San Lorenzo and the "Sacro Catino", said by some to be the Holy Grail.
Via San Lorenzo leads to Piazza Matteotti, where the landmark is the imposing neoclassical facade of Palazzo Ducale, the historic headquarters of the doges and now the city's dynamic cultural centre.
Nearby, the Church of Gesù in Piazza Matteotti contains pantings by Rubens and Guido Reni.
Piazza De Ferrari with its large fountain is the symbolic heart of the city.
Other landmarks here are the top of Genoa's main street Via XX Settembre, the Carlo Felice Opera House and the grand painted facade of Palazzo Ducale.
From here a number of Genoa's famous caruggi lead down to the old town with its churches, houses and delightful little squares like Piazza San Matteo.
Go back up to the main square via Vico Casana and you'll find yourself in front of the Carlo Felice Opera House.
Next, go down the elegant Via XXV Aprile until you reach Piazza Fontane Marose.
If you cross the Piazza you come to Via Garibaldi, called Strada Nuova, a veritable treasure trove with a string of superb palazzi know as the "Rolli", splendid private residences that the Genoese nobles were required to make available for royalty and dignitaries visiting the Republic.
The "Rolli" were declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2006.
After Via Garibaldi have a look at the pretty Piazza della Meridiana and head to Via Cairoli.
Now you can go back towards the sea and follow Via Fontane down to the Darsena.

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